Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Serious Note~Drew Somers

So~I learned just today that someone significant in my life has passed away.  In September.  I found out Today. A note on humanity and time.....Drew Somers played a major role in my life during my "later" teens and early twenties.  He had patience, humor and nurturing when it came to me.  I was the young crazy pup fresh from Florida~who friended his girlfriend (that became his wife) and he just accepted it all.  I learned about Mexico trips...and how to behave (and misbehave) with Drew Somers (ok...Sheri, Becky, Lisa, my cousin Drew).  I didn't realize it at the time, but I  learned about relationships....watching he and Sheri build what proved to be the "real deal".  He not only laughed at my juvenile antics, but supported me as a mentor/adult, financially bailed me out in funky times......and never flinched upon doing so....employed me to sort through piles upon piles of legal pleadings, papers and more papers....but really was just probably giving me work to help put gas in my car so I could get to College the next day.   We shared music....beer...Mexico....law firm B.S. and plain ol' fun...Sheri....then Chels....  Then one day....time has played it's role.....those close intimate days vanished.  We all went along...living.....until you realize that someone you knew and shared a great portion of your life is now gone.  I get to sit with this now...but want to share that this person.....had meaning in my life....even if I wasn't present in his last days. xoxoxoxoxo  love you Drew, Sheri and Chelsea

These pictures are from Tony Mahavier's FaceBook.....Rest in Peace Drew Somers

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